

Human Resources Survey of Psychological Crisis Intervention about Corps Public Emergencies
摘要 目的:了解新疆生产建设兵团(以下简称新疆兵团)医疗机构突发公共事件心理危机干预人力资源状况,为新疆兵团突发公共事件心理危机干预队伍的建设和保障提供依据。方法:采用普查法,选取新疆兵团各个师医院、精神卫生专科医院作为调查对象,采用问卷调查进行调查研究。结果:新疆兵团医疗机构突发公共事件心理危机干预人力资源总体数量匮乏,培训、演练不足。结论:应对突发公共事件,急需加强心理危机干预专业队伍建设和系统培训,整合社会多部门资源,建立突发公共事件心理综合干预模式。 Objective :To understand the human resources survey of psychological crisis intervention about Xingjiang Corps medical institution's public emergencies. Methods: By using census method to choose Xinjiang Corps each division hospital and mental health specialist hospital as respondent. In addition, we use questionnaire survey to conduct the survey. Results:We find that the human resources survey of psychological crisis intervention about Xingjiang Corps medical institution's public emergencies has some defect. For example, its overall number's deprivation and it lacks of training and practice. Conclusion:In order to deal with the public emergencies, we are urgently need to strengthen professional team's development and systematical training of psychological crisis intervention. Besides, we should integrate social multi-sectoral resource and set up comprehensive psychological intervention mode of public emergencies.
出处 《农垦医学》 2012年第4期369-371,共3页 Journal of Nongken Medicine
基金 新疆生产建设兵团科技计划重点领域科技攻关项目(2011BA057)
关键词 新疆兵团 突发公共事件 心理危机干预 人力资源 Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Public emergencies Psychological crisis intervention Human resources
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