1Dannis Child, Professor of Educational Psychology,University of Leads, Psychology And The Teacher, 4th Edition, Cassell Educational Ltd.
2H.A.Murray, Explorations in Personality, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1938.
3A.H.Maslow ,Motivation and Personality Harper and Row, New York (2nd Edition.),1970.
4D. E. Berlyne, Conflict, Arousal and Curiosity,McGraw-Hill, New York.
5D. P.Ausubel and F.G.Robinson, School Learning,Holt, Rinehart and Winston,New York 1969.
6(R)D.C. McClelland, 'What is the effect of achievement motivation training in the schools?', Teachers College Record, 1972.
7J.W.Atkinson, An Introduction to Motivation, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N,J.,1964.
8M.D.Vernon,Human Motivation, Cambridge University Press, London,1960.
9B.J.Weiner Aahievement and Motivation and Attribution Theory, General Learning Press, Morristown,Nj.,1974, and Theories of Motivation, Markham, Chicago,1972.
10Charles H Hargis: Teaching Low Achieving Disadvantaged Students. Press, Charles C Thomas Publication U.S.A 1987.