
FAP、整合素α3β1和uPAR在上皮性卵巢癌中的表达及与肿瘤转移的关系 被引量:4

Expression of FAP,integrin α3β1,and uPAR on ovarian cancer and their relationship with metastasis
摘要 目的检测整合素α3β1、尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂受体(uPAR)和成纤维细胞激活蛋白(FAP)等因子在促进卵巢癌的转移过程中的作用及相互关系。方法用免疫荧光方法检测FAP、整合素α3β1和uPAR在卵巢癌组织上的表达;Transwell小室法检测整合素α3β1与FAP对卵巢癌细胞系(HO-8910PM)迁移的影响;用免疫荧光与免疫共沉淀共同检测整合素α3β1、uPAR在HO-8910PM上是否为三聚体。结果 FAP、整合素α3β1和uPAR在卵巢癌组织中均有表达;抑制了整合素α3β1后,可以明显抑制FAP的促迁移作用。结论 FAP通过α3β1作用于uPAR促进卵巢癌细胞迁移,整合素α3β1、uPAR在HO-8910PM膜上及卵巢癌组织同一位置表达,是一个复合体。 Objective To detect the promoting role and mutual relations of integrinα3β1, urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor ( uPAR), fibroblast activation protein (FAP) and other factors in the process of ovarian cancer metastasis. Methods The expressions of FAP, integrin a3β1, and uPAR were detected by immunofluorescenee in ovarian cancer; Transwell migration assay was used to detect the impact on the migration of HO-8910PM by integrin a3β1 and FAP; immunofluorescence and co-immunopreeipitation were used to detected whether integrina3β1 uPAR were a trimer of HO-8910PM. Results The expressions of FAP, integrinα3β1 ,uPAR were found in ovarian cancer; Anti-intyrin α3β1 inhibited the promoting migration of FAP in tumor. Conclusion FAP can promote the migration of ovarian cancer cells by uPAR through integrinα3β1. Integrin α3β1, uPAR, FAP form a complex, they express at the same place in HO-8910 and ovarian cancer tissues.
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期546-549,共4页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
关键词 卵巢癌 成纤维细胞激活蛋白 整合素α3β1尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂受体 ovarian cancer fibroblast activation protein integrin α3β1 uPAR
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