目的通过对天津市和平区开展家庭责任医生相关工作情况进行调查分析,总结开展此项工作的成效与经验,对存在的问题进行分析,并提出对策与建议。方法在天津市和平区6个社区卫生服务中心中选取3个社区卫生服务中心为调查对象,通过填写调查表、问卷调查以及访谈等方式对家庭责任医生工作开展情况进行调查。结果3个样本社区卫生服务中心共组建20个家庭责任医生团队,团队成员共95人,其中年龄<30岁者38人(占40.0%);本科及以上学历者42人(占44.2%);高级、中级、初级职称者分别为4、22、69人,分别占4.2%、23.2%、72.6%。平均每团队服务居民户数3 293户,人数7 746人;临床医生(含全科医生)平均负责居民户数1 882户,人数4 426人;全科医生平均负责居民户数2 994户,人数7 042人。团队成员认为,慢性病管理服务、健康指导服务、建立健康档案位居团队服务工作开展优势的前三项,认可率分别达到73.7%、69.5%、68.4%。结论家庭责任医生工作开展已取得一定成效,但还存在一些问题。建议家庭责任医生工作在政府主导下开展,明确政策目标与工作内容,进一步提高医务人员薪酬,进一步完善全科医生培养体系,在家庭责任医生工作开展的初级阶段充分发挥媒体的宣传导向作用,使百姓的需求与现阶段家庭责任医生的工作能力相适应。
Objective To investigate the working conditions concerning to family responsibility doctors in Heping District of Tianjin and thus summarize the effectiveness and experience of this work,analyze the existing problems,and put forth the countermeasures and suggestions.Methods Three samples were chosen from the 6 community health services(CHS) centers in the Heping District of Tianjin.The working conditions of the family responsibility doctors were investigated by means of survey table filling,questionnaire survey and interview.Results Totally 20 family responsibility doctor teams were set up in the three samples,with 95 members altogether.Of which there were 38 doctors whose age30(accounting for 40.0%),42 who got Bachelor or higher degree(accounting for 44.2%).And 4(4.2%),22(23.2%),and 69(72.6%) had respectively senior,intermediate and primary professional titles.The average number of residents serviced by each team was 7 746 in 3 293 households.The number of residents served by one clinical doctor(including general practitioner) was 4 426 in 1 882 households,and that by one general practitioner was 7 042 in 2 994 households.The team members held that chronic disease management services,health guidance services,health record establishment ranked first three in advantage of team services,with the recognition rates of 73.7%,69.5% and 68.4%,respectively.Conclusion The performance of proposed family responsibilities doctor have got a certain effectiveness,and still have some problems.It is suggested that this work should be carried out under the guidance of the government,defining clearly its policy objectives,and working contents,raising further the income of the medical staff,improving education system of general practice in colleges,giving full play to the guiding role of media propaganda in the primary stage of implementing this work,in order to make the needs of people adapt with the working ability of the family responsibility doctors.
Chinese General Practice
Family responsibilities doctors
Community health services
Health care surveys