
国内外关于分栏设计影响阅读效率研究综述 被引量:2

Research Review on the Effect of Column Setting on Reading Efficiency
摘要 文章的分栏形式会对阅读造成重要的影响,不同的栏数设计会影响到读者的阅读速度和阅读表现。国外关于分栏设计影响阅读效果的研究以及分栏设计影响因素的研究均早于我国,虽未取得定论,却也成果丰富。鉴于分栏设计对于提高读者阅读效率的重要意义,国内有必要在中文语言环境中对该领域做进一步的深入研究,探讨在文本阅读和网络阅读两种不同阅读形式下,分栏设计以及影响分栏的各种因素对于国内读者阅读中文和英语文章时阅读效率和偏好的影响。 Column setting has an important effect on reading speed and comprehension. From the perspective of reading psychology, multi-column reading requires more eye movement and head swings, which would easily result in reading fatigue and reduce reading efficiency; while single column with long lines would make readers inaccurately locate the beginning of next line more often, which could even twist their understanding. Combined with column setting, line length, line spacing, alignment, font type and font size all work together to affect readers' reading efficiency. Studies in this area abroad are never conclusive. But in our country, few researches are found. Thus further researches about the influence of column setting on the efficiency of Chinese reading and English reading by Chinese readers are needed.
作者 罗娟
出处 《天水师范学院学报》 2012年第6期88-92,共5页 Journal of Tianshui Normal University
关键词 阅读效率 分栏 分栏设计 影响因素 中英文阅读 column setting reading efficiency factors affecting column setting Chinese and English reading in China
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