
高层塔楼办公标准层的性能化防火设计 被引量:10

The performance-based fire design of the office standard floor in high-rise towers
摘要 针对目前高层塔式办公楼防火设计时经常遇到的办公标准层防火分区建筑面积超过规范要求的问题,结合典型的工程案例,提出了性能化防火设计的解决方法。在设计火灾场景和人员疏散场景的基础上,采用计算机软件对火灾发展和人员疏散的过程进行了仿真模拟,并对比了按解决方案设计环形疏散走道和不设计环形疏散走道的差别,论证了性能化防火设计方案的可行性,为类似项目的防火设计提供参考。 For current issue that the construction area of the per- formance-based design often exceeds the specification require- ments, we offered solutions combined with typical projects. Based on the designed fire scenario and evacuation scenario, the fire development and evacuation were simulated using the soft- ware and results were used to compare the differences between the design with ring evacuations corridors and without ring e- vacuations corridors. The work demonstrated the feasibility of the performance-based fire design and provided a reference for similar projects in the fire protection design.
出处 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第12期1272-1276,共5页 Fire Science and Technology
基金 公安部应用创新计划项目"火灾沿建筑外墙蔓延的特性研究"(2010YYCXTJXF136)
关键词 高层塔楼 办公标准层 性能化防火设计 防火分区 安全疏散 high-rise towers office standard floor performancebased fire design fire district safe evacuation
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