利用高效液相色谱与质谱联用法(LC-MS法)对从土培拟南芥叶片和水培拟南芥根系中分离的原生质体进行脱落酸含量分析.结果表明,所测原生质体的脱落酸含量与原生质体数目之间具有较好的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.992 3和0.993 1.脱落酸含量的检测下限为1.07 ng/mL,土培拟南芥叶片和水培拟南芥根系原生质体检测下限分别为3万个和2万个.该研究以原生质体为材料,避免了细胞间隙中的复杂化学成干扰,提高了植物激素测定的灵敏度和精度,完善了经典的植物激素测定技术.
Abscisic acid plays a very important role in many plant developmental processes and stress response sys- tems. Accurate detection of abscisic acid content on agricultural production and scientific research has important significance. We analyzed the abscisic acid content of protoplasts isolated from soil cultivated Arabidopsis leaves and hydroponically cultivated roots by using high -performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. The re- sults showed that there was a good linear relation between the content of abscisic acid and protoplasts number and the correlation coefficients were 0. 992 3,0. 993 1 for Arabidopsis leaves and roots protoplasts, respectively. Detec- tion limit for ABA content was 1.07 ng/mL, and the minimum Arabidopsis leaves and roots protoplasts numbers were 30 000 and 20 000, respectively. The material of this study were protoplasts which can avoid the interference of the complex chemicals from intercellular substance as well as improve sensitivity and the precision of phytohor- mones determination. It can also improve the classical phytohormones determination technologyies.
Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)