
黄土高原沙地和沙漠区的土地沙漠化研究 被引量:9

Analysis of land desertification of Loess Plateau sand and desert areas-causes and remedial measures
摘要 由于人地关系不协调以及人类不合理经济活动和脆弱环境相互作用而造成土地生产力下降,土地资源丧失,最终使地表呈现沙漠化现象。沙漠化是荒漠化的主要类型之一,以风沙活动为主要标志,在全球范围内不断蔓延,影响日益严重,是当今世界上一个很重要的环境问题。本文首先在总结前人理论研究与科学实践成果的基础上,结合黄土高原地区实际情况划定了黄土高原沙地沙漠区范围,分析了沙漠化的成因,揭示了其发生发展的基本条件和内在决定因素——地表沙性物质基础和干旱多风的动力条件以及外在因素——人为因素,推断出该区沙漠化有加速发展以及有进一步由北向南推进的趋势;然后通过确定分区原则,构建指标体系,将黄土高原沙地沙漠区划分为内蒙古河套区、鄂尔多斯沙地区、黄土丘陵与沙地区,并对各区的土地利用及治理措施提出了相应的要求;最后展望了黄土高原沙地和沙漠区沙漠化治理的未来。 The uncoordinated relationship between people and land, interaction of unreasonable human eco- nomic activity and fragile environment lead to a decline in land productivity and loss of land resources. Even- tually, the earth~ surface presents the phenomenon of desertification. Sandy desertifieation is one of the main types of desertification. As a main mark, sandy desertification induced by sandstorms spread continually on a global scale, resulted in increasingly serious influence. Therefore, sandy desertification is gradually becoming a significant problem in the world. Based on the previous practice and research achievement, and combined with the actual situation of the Loess Plateau in China, this paper delimites the area of Loess Plateau, analyzes the causes of sandy desertification, and indicates that surface sand material and dry windy condition are the basic requirements of desertification, as a decisive role. Human activities are external conditions, accelerating desertification, and desertification has further advanced from north to south. Then, this paper determines the division principle, constructes the index system, and divides the Loess Plateau sand and desert region into In- ner Mongolia Hetao area, Erdos sand area and Loess hills and sand area, with the corresponding requirements of the entire district about land use and management measures. Finally, this paper predictes the prospect of the desertification control of the Loess Plateau sand and desert area.
作者 高照良
出处 《泥沙研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1-10,共10页 Journal of Sediment Research
基金 "十二五"农村领域国家科技计划课题:农田水土保持关键技术研究与示范(2011BAD31B01)
关键词 沙地和沙漠区 荒漠化 沙漠化 治理展望 黄土高原 sand and desert areas desertification governance outlook Loess Plateau
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