The uncoordinated relationship between people and land, interaction of unreasonable human eco- nomic activity and fragile environment lead to a decline in land productivity and loss of land resources. Even- tually, the earth~ surface presents the phenomenon of desertification. Sandy desertifieation is one of the main types of desertification. As a main mark, sandy desertification induced by sandstorms spread continually on a global scale, resulted in increasingly serious influence. Therefore, sandy desertification is gradually becoming a significant problem in the world. Based on the previous practice and research achievement, and combined with the actual situation of the Loess Plateau in China, this paper delimites the area of Loess Plateau, analyzes the causes of sandy desertification, and indicates that surface sand material and dry windy condition are the basic requirements of desertification, as a decisive role. Human activities are external conditions, accelerating desertification, and desertification has further advanced from north to south. Then, this paper determines the division principle, constructes the index system, and divides the Loess Plateau sand and desert region into In- ner Mongolia Hetao area, Erdos sand area and Loess hills and sand area, with the corresponding requirements of the entire district about land use and management measures. Finally, this paper predictes the prospect of the desertification control of the Loess Plateau sand and desert area.
Journal of Sediment Research