

The Enlightenment on the Research and Relief of Work-Family Conflict
摘要 教师的职家冲突不仅给教师的工作、家庭及个人的身心健康带来消极影响,也会影响到学生的身心发展。为降低教师职家冲突产生的负面效应,从职家冲突的含义、后果变量及形成原因三个方面对相关研究进行综述。针对教师这一特殊职业群体,提出优化教师管理,创设教师支持环境;在工作、家庭角色执行上构建弹性心理疆界;努力获取家庭支持资源,应对工作——家庭压力三项干预措施来降低教师的职家冲突水平。 The teacher's work-family conflict not only brings negative effect to the teacher's work,family and the individual health,but also affects students' development of body and mind.In order to reduce the negative effect of the teacher's work-family conflict,the study is made from the meaning,outcome variables and causes of work-family conflict.Based on the review,three intervention measures are put forward for the ease of teachers' work-family conflict: optimizing teacher management and creating teacher support environment,structuring elastic psychology boundary between implementing the role of work and family,try to obtain the support resources from family to cope with the pressure from work and family.
作者 杜岸政
出处 《唐山师范学院学报》 2012年第6期134-137,148,共5页 Journal of Tangshan Normal University
关键词 教师 职家冲突 后果变量 职业压力 缓解 teachers work-family conflict outcome variables professional pressure relief
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