[目的]了解内蒙古自治区疾病预防控制机构人力资源现状,为今后人力资源建设提供依据。[方法]2010年4月,对2009年内蒙古自治区、市县三级疾控机构人力资源情况进行调查。[结果]内蒙古自治区、市县三级疾控机构人员共5 230人,全区每万人拥有疾控人数为2.18人。5 230人中,专业技术人员占78.34%;男性占43.25%,女性占56.75%;年龄以35~44、45~54岁为主,分别占35.97%、39.50%;工作年限以>20年为主,占61.99%;中级及以上职称占42.98%;本科及以上学历占24.28%。[结论]全区疾控体系人员素质与国家规定有一定差距,尤其是县级疾控机构差距较大。
[Objective]To explore current status of human resources at disease control and prevention institutions in In- ner Mongolia Autonomous region, so as to provide basis for improving human resources construction. [-Methods]A questionnaire survey was made on the status of human resources on disease control and prevention institutions in 2009 at three levels in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region,in April,2009. [Results]There were 5 230 staffs at centers for disease control and prevention at different levels in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, averaged 2. 18/10^4. The ratio of professional staffs was 83.63% among 5 230,43. 25% were man,56.75% were women;35.97% ,39.50% were 35-44,45-54 years old respectively;61. 99% staffs with 〉20 years working years;42.98% staffs with the middle and the high professional title ranked,24.28%had bachelor degree or above education, [Conelusion]There is some disparity between all levels of CDC and national standard,especially county CDC.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Disease control and prevention institution
Human resources