

Ship pilotage business for service-oriented architecture
摘要 基于船舶引航业务对信息查询的及时性要求很高,在总结国内引航业务基础上,设计引航业务功能流程结构;讨论船舶引航业务面向服务框架,包括资源服务主动发现模型结构、丰富对外接口服务、主动个性化访问信息的方式.核心内容是构建船舶引航业务领域本体,面向服务的软件结构,资源服务主动发现机制和基于语义的发布/订阅匹配算法.将船舶引航业务面向服务框架实施于多个引航业务系统验证,该框架具有很高的兼容性、领域资源访问的主动性和提供个性化服务的广播性. Because of the high demanding of the timeliness of information query for ship pilotage business services, the pilotage business function process structure is designed on the basis of summarizing domestic pilotage service. The service-oriented architecture of ship pilotage business is discussed including re- source services active discovery model structure, diversified access interface services, and active and per- sonalized way of information access. The core components involve building the ontology of ship pilotage business domain, the service-oriented software structure, the resource services active discovery mecha- nism, and the publishing/subscription matching algorithm based on semanteme. The service-oriented ar- chitecture of the ship pilotage business is implemented on several ship business systems, and the results show that the architecture has high compatibility, activeness of domain resource access, and one-to-many broadcast feature of providing personalized services.
出处 《上海海事大学学报》 北大核心 2012年第4期20-23,44,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Maritime University
基金 辽宁省教育科学"十二五"规划立项课题(JG11DB163) 辽宁省教育厅科学研究项目(L2011055) 辽宁石油化工大学科学基金项目(2011XJJ-018) 辽宁石油化工大学教育教学改革项目(J2011073)
关键词 船舶引航 领域本体 发布 订阅 主动发现 面向服务 ship pilotage domain ontology publishing/subscription active discovery service-oriented
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