目的:研究西比灵(IBL)辅助抗痫药(AEDs)在抗痫方面的临床价值。方法:将68例癫痫(EP)分为甲、乙两组。第一阶段甲组作为治疗组,乙组作为对照组。治疗组在对照组基础上加用西比灵胶囊,每日 10 mg,每晚一次,小儿按公斤体重给药,两组均用药3个月,然后评定其疗效。第二阶段乙组作为治疗组,第4个月开始,加用西比灵,用法同上,连用3个月,作同样观察,并以该组前3个月的观察结果用自身对照;同时还与连用6个月西比灵的甲组进行比较。结果:甲组(治疗组)加用西比灵后显效率与总有效率均明显优于对照组(P<0.01与P<0.05),甲组连用6个月西比灵,疗效进一步提高。西比灵对不同类型的EP均有效,而显效率有明显差别,特殊类型EP组优于全身大发作EP组(P<0.01)。结论:西比灵是一种安全有效抗EP的辅助新药,尤其对特殊类型EP更有应用前景。
Objective:TO Study the clinical value of ibelium on the treatment of epilepsy. Methods:68 patients were divided into two groups, one was control group,the other was treatment group which was dealed with ibelium.Results:In treatment group,the tiny valid and total effective rate were larger than that of control group (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05).Ibelium had effect on different kind of epilepsy,but the effective rate was different in special epilepsy and grand mal (P < 0 .01 ).Conclusion: Ibelium was a safety and effective helper of antiepileptic drugs,especially in special kind of epilepsy.
Henan Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases