目的了解沧州地区女性对乳腺癌相关知识的认知度情况,为地方推动普及和开展乳腺癌的防治宣传教育工作提供合理的基线依据。方法对来本院参加乳腺X线检查的女性应用流行病学问卷调查。结果信息完整有效者2 646人。城乡之比为城市1 496人(56.54%),农村1 150人(43.46%)。被调查者了解乳腺癌444人(16.78%)、部分了解1 486人(56.16%)、不了解716人(27.06%)。对乳腺癌危险因素知道两个以上的占17.80%,知道一个的占76.23%,完全不知的占5.97%。知识来源途径前三位的是,通过读书看报占39.89%,广播电视26.64%,亲友患乳腺癌20.91%。结论沧州地区女性对乳腺癌相关知识认知率低,认知程度和文化层次、职业、经济条件及居住环境相关。
Objective To investigate the awareness of knowledge about breast cancer among the women in Cangzhou area,and to provide a reasonable basis for popularization of breast cancer knowledge and promotion of the related health education made by the local government.Methods Epidemiological questionnaire surveys were conducted among the women with mammogram in Cangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.Results There were 2,646 respondents with valid questionnaires,including 1,496(56.54%) urban women and 1,150(43.46%) rural women.The respondents with total understanding,partial understanding,and without understanding accounted for 16.78%(444/2,646),56.16%(1,486/2,646),and 27.06%(716/2,646),respectively.The respondents knowing more than two risks factors,knowing 1 risk factor,and completely unknowing accounted for 17.80%,76.23%,and 5.97%,respectively.The top three ways of acquiring knowledge about breast cancer were books and newspapers(39.90%),radio and television(26.64%),friends and relatives suffering from breast cancer(20.91%).Conclusions The awareness of knowledge about breast cancer among women in Cangzhou area is lower,and its cognitive degree is correlated with educational level,occupation,economic condition and living environment of the respondents.
Practical Preventive Medicine