目的 :研究实验动物对小儿热感宁口服液 (XRK)的毒性反应。方法 :分别给予小鼠临床剂量 30 0倍的 XRK(XRK组 )和维 C银翘片的混悬液 (阳性对照组 ) ,7天后观察小鼠的急性毒性反应 ;给予大鼠临床剂量 10倍 (XRK低剂量组 )和 10 0倍 (XRK高剂量组 )的 XRK,连续给药 14天后观察小鼠的长期毒性反应。结果 :在急性毒性试验中 ,XRK组及空白对照组 7天后无一死亡 ,主要组织基本正常 ,而阳性对照组死亡率达 90 % ,主要组织心、肝、肾出现明显损害 ;在长期毒性试验中 ,空白对照组、XRK低剂量组及 XRK高剂量组的大鼠均未发现异常和死亡。结论 :小儿热感宁口服液是一种比维 C银翘片安全、低毒的解热药。
Objective:To study on the toxic reaction of Xiaoer Reganning Koufuye(XRK) to experimental animal Methods:The clinical dosage of 300 times XRK(XRK group) and the suspension of Weici Yinqiaopian(positive control group) were taken by mice respectively,and then the acute toxic reaction was observed 7 days later The clinical dosage of 10 times XRK(low dose XRK group) and clinical dosage of 100 times XRK(high dose XRK group) were continously taken by rats,and the long toxic reaction of rats to the drugs was observed 14 days later Results:In the acute toxic test,no mouse was dead,and the main tissues of the mice were basically normal in XRK group and vacuous control group after 7 days,while the mortality of the mice in positive control group was 90%,and obvious damages were found in the main tissues including heart,liver,kidney,in the mice In the long toxic test,no abnormal and death rats were found in vacuous control group,low dose XRK group and high dose XRK group Conclusion:Xiaoer Reganning Koufuye(XRK) is safer,lower toxic antifebrile more than Weici Yinqiaopian
Guangxi Medical Journal
Xiaoer Reganning Koufuye(XRK)
Acute toxicity
Long toxicity