
韩国现代文学中的华人形象:以《土豆》和《农民》为例 被引量:3

Chinese Characters in Korean Modern Literature: Take Potato and Farmer for Example
摘要 金东仁的《土豆》(1925)和李泰俊的《农民》(1939)是韩国现代文学中描绘华人形象的代表作品。《土豆》中的"王掌柜"是首次出现在韩国现代文学作品中的华人形象,也是当时朝鲜社会剧增的华人的典型代表。然而,该形象被描写成非道德的、反社会的人物,而促使这一形象生成的中心媒介就是"金钱"。透过该人物形象,可以窥视到20世纪二十年代中期朝鲜社会对华人的看法。《农民》中的华人形象是聚集韩中矛盾焦点的主人公。但是,评价以万宝山事件为背景出现的这些华人形象时,需要了解当时韩中之间的民族矛盾是由日本的殖民政策和舆论炒作所造成的,只有对这些深层次的原因进行分析,才能以正确的逻辑进行思考。但是,以万宝山事件为背景进行叙述的小说《农民》并没有抓住这点,只以朝鲜人取得水路开垦的胜利而收尾,并把与朝鲜人对峙的华人集团塑造成暴力团体,可以说,这是创作过于疏懒的结果。这种试图将超越意识形态的问题集中在民族层面的文学形象化,对后来朝鲜对华(人)的认识产生了不小的影响。因此,有必要从批判的视角来解读这部作品。 This paper aims to analyze Potato(1925) by Kim Dong In and Farmer(1939) by Lee Tae Jun as the representatives of describing Chinese characters in Korean modern literature. "Wangseobang" in Potato is a representative of Chinese, who had sharply increased in number at that time of Joseon society and also the first Chinese figure in Korean modern literature. This mod- el of Chinese was often described as being immoral as well as antisocial, and the money is the root of the character. We can see the public perception of Chinese from 1920 to the middle of 1930 through the character. The Chinese figures in Farmer intensively show conflicts between Korean and Chinese. However, Chinese characters with the Mt. Manbo affair can be logically analyzed after understanding the fact that the conflicts were provoked by Japanese colonial policies and ma- nipulation of public opinion. Unfortunately, the novel with the Mt. Manbo affair didn' t under- stand the point, and just turned out that Korean earned victory of cultivation by number of people considering Chinese against Korean as a violent group. This is the result of na'fve creation. These attempts had formed ethical ideology beyond the literary shape and affected public perception of Chinese. Therefore, we need to see these works from a critical angle.
作者 林大根
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期53-62,共10页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 supported by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research fund of 2012
关键词 韩国现代小说 金东仁《土豆》 李泰俊《农民》 华人形象 Korean modern literature Kim Dong In Potato Lee Tae Jun Farmer Chinese character
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