
劳伦斯·达雷尔《亚历山大四重奏》中的场所与伦理释读 被引量:5

Place and Ethics in Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quartet
摘要 英国现当代小说家劳伦斯·达雷尔以其代表作《亚历山大四重奏》的文化异质感、政治危机感和历史责任感而备受西方评论界的广泛关注。社会学中人与场所、场所与伦理之间关系的探讨为达雷尔小说中场所与伦理之间关系的释读提供了一个绝佳的批评范式。作为故事发生的场所,达雷尔笔下的亚历山大城不是一种简单、无机的物理存在,它集历史、文化、文学和政治等多重元素于一身,在宏大的历史叙事中获得了生命力。达雷尔通过对亚历山大被人化了的场所的共时性和历时性描述,揭示了城市伦理环境对人物伦理价值取向的影响。后殖民语境下的亚历山大为小说提供了一个独特的伦理环境,达雷尔不仅对加在亚历山大城伦理环境上的伦理标签进行了的虚、实解读,还揭示出亚历山大城"伦理真空"和"贱民的发言"地的双重伦理环境特征。 Contemporary British novelist Lawrence Durrell is highly commented by Western critics because of his depiction of exotic cultures, political crisis and historical responsibilities in The Alexandria Quartet. The sociological discussions on the relationships between man and place, and place and ethics provide perfect critical place and ethics in Durrell' s novel. Th paradigms for the interpretation of the relationship between e city of Alexandria is not a simple, inorganic physical ex- istence. It contains historical, cultural, literary and political elements and it has acquired a life within a grand historical narrative. Through the diachronic and synchronic description of Alexan- dria as a humanized place, Durrell reveals the influences of the ethical situation in the city on the ethical orientations of characters. Alexandria in a post-colonial context displays in the novel its unique ethical situation, in which Durrell presents both a fictional and a real reading about the ethical tag posted upon the ethical situation of the city and reveals the double attributes of the city' s ethical situation as an "ethical vacuum" and the place in which the subaltern speak.
作者 徐彬
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期111-118,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 辽宁省教育厅人文社会科学资助项目【项目批号:W2011092】的阶段性成果
关键词 劳伦斯·达雷尔 场所与伦理 《亚历山大四重奏》 后殖民语境 Lawrence Durrell place and ethics The Alexandria Quartet postcolonial context
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