
高能点状核数据库HENDL-ADS/MC研发与测试 被引量:4

Development and benchmark of high energy continuous-energy neutron cross Section library HENDL-ADS/MC
摘要 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)中子能量跨度大,能谱复杂,物理效应强烈,现有核数据库无法充分满足ADS核设计与分析的需求。为了开展ADS相关研究,FDS团队设计并制作了ADS点状核数据库HENDL-ADS/MC,并通过了一系列临界安全实验和屏蔽积分实验例题的基准测试。为了进一步检验高能截面数据的准确性,还利用国际高能中子屏蔽积分实验例题对HENDL-ADS/MC进行了测试。基准测试和高能屏蔽积分实验的测试结果初步证明了该数据库的可用性与准确性。 The ADS (accelerator driven sub-critical system) has great energy spans, complex energy spectrum structures and strong physical effects. Hence, she existing nuclear data libraries can't fully meet the needs of nuclear analysis in ADS. In order to do nuclear analysis for ADS system, a point-wise data library HENDL-ADS/MC (hybrid evaluated nuclear data library) was produced by FDS team. Meanwhile, to test the availability and reliability of the HENDL-ADS/MC data library, a series of shielding and critical safety benchmarks were performed. To validate and qualify the reliability of the high-energy cross section for HENDL-ADS/MC library further, a series of high neutronics integral experiments have been performed. The testing results confirm theaccuracy and reliability of HENDL-ADS/MC.
出处 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期360-365,共6页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目(91026004,51076166)
关键词 加速器驱动次临界系统 HENDL ADS 临界基准实验 accelerator driven sub-critical system HENDL critical experiment
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