目的 报告拱形交叉固定接骨板与另外两种接骨板生物力学试验结果。方法 对同种材质拱形板、矩形板 ,应力型板进行四点弯曲电测量 ,三点弯曲、循环拔钉及扭转拔钉和冲击对比试验。结果 电测试验 ,拱形板中央应力值最小 ,抗弯强度最大 ;三点弯曲试验 ,拱形板强度极限最大 ;循环拔钉试验 ,拱形板开始拔钉循环次数最多 ;扭转拔钉试验 ,拱形板拔钉时 ,扭矩、扭转角最大 ;冲击试验 ,拱形板冲击韧性最高。结论 拱形板抗弯、抗扭强度及防拨钉和抗冲击能力最高 ,克服弯板、断板。
Objective This article reports the result of biological mechanics of Arch cross fixed collecting bone plate and other two kinds of plates.Methods Four points bent electronic measure,three points bent,circle pulling nail,rotating pulling nail and impact make comparing experiment to the same materials of arch,rectangle and stress plate.Results Arch cross-fixed collecting bone plate has the least center stress and the most fastness intensity during electronic measure.Arch bone plate has the most intensity in bending experiment.In circle pulling nail experiment arch bone plate has the most number of pulling nail.In rotating pulling nail experiment arch bone plate has the most twisting distance and rotating angle.In impact experiment arch bone plate has the most impact tenacity.Conclusions Arch bone plate has the most ability of preventing from pulling nail,bending,twisting and impact.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Injury
吉林省科技发展计划项目! 编号 9530 0 4
Arch cross fixed collecting bone plate
Biological mechanics
Internal fixing