
不同潮汐和盐度下红树植物幼苗秋茄的化学计量特征 被引量:12

Different tide status and salinity alter stoichiometry characteristics of mangrove Kandelia candel seedlings
摘要 借助室内潮汐模拟系统,分析秋茄幼苗的叶片、茎,根在不同淹浸时间梯度和盐度梯度下N、P、K、Ca、Cl、Mg、Al、Fe、Zn、Cu、B等元素的化学计量特征变化。结果表明水文因子能够显著影响秋茄不同器官的化学计量特征;幼苗的元素化学计量在盐度和淹浸两类水文因子下表现出不同的响应特征:特别是N、K、Ca、Cl、Mg、Na、Zn,Cu元素含量在不同程度的水文胁迫下存在明显的差异;盐度组内,幼苗对Na,Cl的选择性吸收随盐度增高而增强,同时对K、Ca,Mg的吸收减弱;随盐度的增大,盐分(Na、Cl、K、Ca、Mg)在不同器官中的含量表现出趋同效应;淹浸组N∶P比为3—11,盐度组N∶P比为6—15,明显小于同类研究。综合分析认为秋茄幼苗受到N元素限制,而P元素始终未成为限制因子,随水文胁迫的加强,N限制也加大,且盐度胁迫比淹浸胁迫表现的更明显。通过化学计量学和水文学的分析,为摸清中国红树林保护和恢复的主要红树植物秋茄的适生环境提供科学依据。 Kandelia candel is one of major mangrove species for coastal conservation and restoration in China. Understanding the stoichiometry of nutrient elements of K. candel growing in complicated living environment can help characterize plant growth status and guide ecological restoration in different biogeochemical environments. In this study, the influences of two hydrologic factors ( waterlogging time and salinity) on stoichiometry characteristics of K. candel in the different organs (leaf, stem and root, respectively) were studied using the automatic tidal-simulation device in sand culture of greenhouse. The contents of nutrient elements including N, P, K, Na, Ca, Cl, Mg, Al, Fe, Zn, Cu, B, Mn, Ni, S, Pb and Cr were determined in the waterlogging and salinity treatments, respectively. The result of the waterlogging treatment showed waterlogging had an significant effect on the distribution characteristics of elements in different organs of K. candel. The contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Zn in leaf were higher than those in stem and root. In contrast, the contents of Cl, Al and Fe in root were higher than those in leaf and stem. The stoichiometry characteristics of seedling of K. candel, however, showed different patterns under salinity and waterlogging treatments. The content of B, N, K, Ca, Cl, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu differed significantly in seedlings when hydrological stress varied. The result of salinity treatment showed the contents of Na, Cl increased, K, Ca, Mg decreased in all organs when the salinity increased. However, the difference of salt content (Na, Cl, K, Ca, Mg) among three organs decreased when the salinity increased, which showed convergent effect in organs. The total content of salt (K, Ca, Cl, Mg, Na)displayed no obvious variation with the extending waterlogging time, except in leaf where the salt content (except K) increased. When the salinity increased, the content of Zn decreased, Mn increased in leaf and Fe increased in both leaf and root. With the extending waterlogging time, Fe increased in leaf, Cu decreased first, then increased in all three organs. The element ratios were also determined in waterlogging and salinity treatments, respectively. The N :P ratio was 3-- 11 in waterlogging treatment and the N :P ratio was 6--15 in salinity treatment, which were lower than the results of previous research that demonstrated N limited the growth of seedlings and P had no limit growth of seedlings. Our result showed N limitation enhanced in seedlings when salinity stress enhanced. The N limitation was obvious in salinity treatment than that in waterlogging treatment. Significant correlations between waterlogging time and the contents of nutrient elements in three organs ( leaf, stem and root) were observed in K. candel, respectively. In leaf, the order of significant positive correlation between waterlogging time and the contents of nutrient elements was Fe 〉 Na 〉 Cl 〉 Mg = B 〉 P 〉 N while the order of significant negative correlation was K〈 K :Cl. In stem, the order of significant positive correlation between waterlogging time and the contents of nutrient elements was K 〉 Fe. In root, the order of significant positive correlation between waterlogging time and the contents of nutrient elements was K :Cl〉 K〉 N. Significant correlations between salinity and the contents of nutrient elements in three organs (leaf, stem and root) were also observed in K. candel, respectively. In leaf, the order of significant positive correlation between salinity and the contents of nutrient elements was Ca--Na 〉 Cl while the order of significant negative correlation was K :Cl = Zn = Ca〈K〈 Mg 〈 Cr. In stem, the order of significant positive correlation between salinity and the contents of nutrient elements was Cl〉 Na 〉 Mn〉 Mg. In root, the order of significant positive correlation between salinity and the contents of nutrient elements was Cl 〉 Na〉 P〉 Mn while the order of significant negative correlation was K :Cl= K〈 Ca.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第24期7818-7827,共10页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41176084) "十一五"国家林业科技支撑计划专题(2009BADB2B0401) 广东省林业创新项目(2009KJCX013-01) 广东省科技厅项目(2009B030600006) 海南东寨港红树林生态站项目
关键词 红树林 秋茄 盐度 淹浸 化学计量学 mangrove Kandelia candel salinity waterlogging Stoichiometry
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