
HSB、GSTs和TNF-α联合检测诊断肝癌的比较分析 被引量:3

Comparative analysis of clinical values of serum HSB, GSTs and TNF-α in detection and diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要 目的探讨血清肝癌特异性γ-谷氨酸转移酶(GGT)浓度在肝癌诊断与鉴别中的临床价值。方法定量检测了肝癌、慢性肝病和肝外肿瘤患者血清中肝癌特异性GGT区带(HSB)活性,并同时检测谷胱苷肽-S-转换酶(GSTs)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)浓度,以比较分析它们在肝癌诊断与鉴别中的临床意义。结果肝癌组HSB和GSTs浓度均明显高于慢性肝病和肝外肿瘤组(P<0.001)。TNF-α浓度肝癌组明显高于慢性肝病组(P<0.001),但与肝外肿瘤组间无明显差异;肝癌组HSB、GSTs和TNF-α的阳性率分别为88.6%、78.1%和74.3%。结论资料说明HSB定量优于GSTs和TNF-α检测,多项指标联合分析有助于肝癌的诊断与鉴别。 Objective To explore the clinical value of specific GGT concentration of serum hepatocellular carcinoma in the detection and diagnosis of hepatocellular carinoma. Methods Quantitative tests were performed on the serum HSB activities of GGT,GSTs and TNF-α levels in patients with liver disease,and their GSTs and TNF-α concentration were also tested. Results The concentrations of HSB and GSTs in patients with HCC increased significantly in comparison with chronic liver diseases and other tumors (P<0. 001 ). The concentration of TNF-α in HCC was significantly higher than that in chronic liver diseases,but no differentiation was noted between HCC and other tumor groubs. The postive rates of HSB and TNF-α in HCC group were 88. 6%, 78. 1% and 74. 3% respectively. Conclusion The present data suggest that the quantitative analysis of HBS activities of GGT is superior to the tests of GSTs and TNF-α. The combined detection of multiple indexes is helpful to the diagnosis and differentiation of HCC.
出处 《中国综合临床》 2000年第5期394-395,共2页 Clinical Medicine of China
关键词 肝癌特异性区带 肝肿瘤 TNFΑ GSTS HCC HSB GST TNF-α Diagnosis
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