
Social Freedom and Deprivation

Social Freedom and Deprivation
摘要 What is the true sense of freedom? Man is free and lacks freedom. The author considers the example of Louis XIV. It seemed that he held the sovereignty as the king of the absolute monarchy and the greatest freedom. But all his teeth were pulled out to protect him from illness and in his exercise as the king, he had many official obligations. Though he was king, he was free and lacked freedom. According to J. J. Rousseau (1762) who discussed the principle of freedom and oppression (deprivation), if man realizes freedom, it needs to express his duty and subordination to the state. Therefore man is free and lacks freedom. What is the situation of contemporary citizens? Instead of the oppression by the state, the citizen is controlled by the mass media. The best example is the drama observed about the prime ministers of Japan. There were many manipulations by the mass media. For our benefit we need to educate the persons who have good sense. We should remember that our freedom is not absolute. We are free and lack freedom, too. Often man searches freedom and comfort but often, on the contrary, he faces the lack of freedom. Electricity that is produced by a nuclear plant is useful, but the explosion of the nuclear plant creates a huge damage and tragedy, In a sense, deprivation is larger than freedom, because it could teach us self- awareness, moderation and let us know that we have enough.
出处 《History Research》 2012年第6期377-383,共7页 历史研究(英文版)
关键词 DEPRIVATION FREEDOM J. J. Rousseau MEDIA moderation 自由 社会 大众媒体 路易十四 国家主权 自我意识 核电厂 多操作
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