The present paper attempts to introduce a renovated index system for highway ecosystem health evaluation. As is known, high- way ecosystem is a part of social concern for the sustainable develop- ment of the economic and humanistic complex ecosystem. However, it proves rather fragile as compared with the natural ecosystem itself. It is just to promote better control and management of our highway e- cosystem that we have made a description of the ever increasing im- portance of highway ecosystem and a detailed analysis of the influen- tial factors of the mechanism in keeping a better highway ecosystem in our paper. Based on our analysis of the present characteristic features of highway ecosystem, we have brought about the concept of highway ecosystem health. The so-called highway ecosystem health can be de- fined as a system that can guarantee the safety of the highway traffic and transportation, and a system that can ensure the constant im- provement of the traveling efficiency and keep the sustainable stabi- lization of the ecosystem. It should make no effect or little effect on the zoological sensitivity on the surrounding area and keep a harmony with the surrounding landseape along the route. Simultaneously, it should help to avoid any kind of natural disasters and ensure the ser- vice life or the prospective aim. Therefore, in order to address the concept and guarantee the highway eco-hea/th from a seientific point- of-view, we have chosen nineteen typical indexes to serve as a system of evaluation indexes, among which the regional economy, the proper performance of the highway system, the environment quality condi- tion, landscape preservation, environment risk-prevention are of pri- mary consideration. In order to improve the above said assessment, we have arranged the main indieators into different categories, with tentative studies on assessment method as well as developmental di- rection properly offered. As a resuh, the renovated index system for highway ecosystem health evaluation proposed in this paper helps to enrich the theories and methods regarding the health of ecological system.
Journal of Safety and Environment
environment engineering
highway ecological system
e- cological health
assessment indicator system
assess- ment method