
基于风险管理的机场安全目标分解研究 被引量:8

Goal-oriented decomposition study of the airport safety and security based on the risk management
摘要 将机场安全总目标分解为各层级的安全目标,有助于安全总目标的落实和安全绩效的考核。目前,常用的指标分解方法没有考虑机场的组织架构,也没有将风险管理融入到安全目标的设置上,与机场运行的实际情况脱节。从事故、事故征候及危险源和行为差错3个层面上进行控制,构建了机场5级安全目标体系。将目标自上向下分解与危险源查找相结合,设计了机场安全目标分解的方法:对机场运行安全保障业务进行系统分析后,将机场安全保障系统分为飞行安全保障、机坪安全保障、空防安全保障、应急救援保障和指挥协调保障5个保障系统,安全总目标分解为相应的专项安全目标;基于风险管理和事故致因的基本理论方法查找各类影响安全的因素,依据各职能部门的职责,将其面临的风险细化为部门及科室的安全目标;基于事故征候率的历史数据,根据影响因素的权重分解目标值。对某机场安全目标进行的分解细化表明,应用此方法能很好地对机场安全目标进行分解。 The present paper is aimed to introduce our goal-oriented decomposition study of the airport safety and security management based on the hazardous risk control. The so-called decomposition method does not take the airport framework and comprehensive risk management as its safety goal at aU levels. Rather it is unrelated with the real situation of airport operation. Therefore, what we have proposed is to analyze the airport operational safety-ensurence activities, and then classify the airport safety-ensurence system into five sys- tems, that is, the flight safety ensuring system, the airfield safety en- suring system, the air defense area safety ensuring system, the emer- gency rescue ensuring system as well as the command and coordina- tion ensuring system. According to Heinrich and his law, before a se- rious accident takes place, there ought to have been 29 accidents and 300 errors that ought to have happened. It is for this reason that we need to set a personnel safety target in order to restrain or prevent all the managerial links from doing wrongs. As far as the safety goal items are concerned, the factors that may affect safety or influence the safety of each goal item in each grass-root department are to be established as the definite goal. And, for this, it should be made as a firm rule for each department in charge to find out or to detect the factors affecting safety according the risk management and accident- causing theory. And, therefore, what we need to do is to find out hazards as many as possible by using the risk management method, and make clear all, the l,ike^y reasons that may ~ead to the accident so that the factor should be set up as the safety goal item. Starting from the above research perspective, we have decomposed the total safety goals into five specific targets according to the above said five safety ensuring systems. That is, we have set the safety-ensuring goals ac- cording to the likely-to-happen risks by means of risk management and accident-causing theory, and try to apply the so-called two-way target decomposition method from the need of entire goal-ensurence to the bottom level hazard- identification. The final safety goal system is composed of the total safety target, the special safety target, the de- partment safety target, office safety target and personnel safety target. The real value of the safety targets are decomposed according to their weights based on the historical data of accident rates. Practical application of the method shows that the method proposed by us is feasible for guaranteeing the airport safety.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期165-169,共5页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 民航科技项目计划专项经费项目(MHRDZ201121) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(ZXH2011D001)
关键词 安全管理工程 机场安全 目标分解 风险管理 事故致因理论 safety management engineer airport safety goal decomposition risk management accident-causing theory
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