美国UC Berkeley能源与环境课程从教学内容和教学目的看,类似于中国建筑环境与设备专业的建筑环境学课程。基于课程的网站信息和笔者30余学时的课程旁听记录,介绍该课程的定位、课程结构、课堂教学状况以及笔者的感悟和体会,旨在让国内同行对国际一流大学相关课程的教学内容、方法和手段有更多的了解和认识,为中国同类课程的教学改革提供参考。
With the teaching objectives and contents, energy and environment course in UC Berkeley is similar to the building environment course in building environment and facility engineering specialty. Based on the information on website and the author' s lecture notes, the paper introduced the course orientation, course structure, classroom teaching status and the author' s comprehension. With more understanding of teaching content, teaching method in international top universities, that can provide a useful reference to the teaching reform of energy and environment course.
Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning