
工作特征对员工敬业度作用机制研究:基于心理需求中介的视角 被引量:5

The Effect of Job Characteristics on Employees' Engagement:The Mediating Effect of Psychological Needs Satisfaction
摘要 以敬业度作用理论为基础,验证了核心工作维度和社会支持均对敬业度有积极的促进作用。胜任需求在两类工作特征与敬业度间均存在部分中介作用,关系需求在社会支持与敬业度间存在部分中介作用,自主需求在核心工作维度与敬业度间存在部分中介作用。同时,心理需求潜变量在工作特征与敬业度间存在完全中介作用。 The job and the working environment are the primary factors for employees' engagement.This paper explores the effect of core job dimensions and social supports on engagement by data collected from 346 employees in enterprises and institutions through questionnaires.The results show that there're statistically significant positive correlations between the job characteristics and engagement.Based on multiple linear regressions,the research tests the competence,relatedness and autonomy playing mediation role in that process independently.Last but not the least the research finds the psychological needs latent variable plays a totally mediation role.Then the research also shares some suggestions for employees' engagement improving.
作者 杨红明
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期106-114,163,共9页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中国博士后基金资助项目<领导行为与工作特征对员工敬业度作用机制研究>(批准号:20110490912)
关键词 核心工作维度 社会支持 心理需求 敬业度 中介作用 core job dimensions social supports psychological needs employee engagement mediating effect
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