
强直性脊柱炎合并颈动脉炎所致脑梗死一例 被引量:1

Evaluation of the effection of brain infarction because of ankylosing sporidylitis combined with carotid arteritis
摘要 目的分析强直性脊柱炎合并颈动脉炎所致脑梗死的血管内治疗的疗效以及预后情况。方法分析1例强直性脊柱炎合并颈动脉炎所致脑梗死患者的临床、病理、影像资料。结果血管炎所致的重度血管狭窄患者经过规范的药物治疗未能达到理想的治疗效果,后经过介入联合药物治疗,患者的症状得到控制。结论介入治疗是强直性脊柱炎合并动脉炎所致的重度血管狭窄可以选择的一种治疗方法,配合免疫抑制药物治疗能够减少再狭窄的发生率。 Objective To evaluate the effect and prognosis of brain infarction because of ankylosing sporidylitis combined with carotid arteritis under endovascular treatment. Methods Retrospective analysis of a patient of brain infarction because of ankylosing sporidylitis combined with carotid arteritis who was diagnosed both by clinic and experiment. The clinical, pathological as well as image data was collected. Results It showed that poor effect of drug therapy for patient of severe vessel stenosis. Combined with endovaseular treatment, sympto,n was controlled. Conclusion Endovascular treatment is a way to treat patients of severe vessel stenosis caused by ankylosing sporidylitis combined with carotid arteritis. It can reduce the restenosis incidence in coordination to immunosuppressants.
出处 《脑与神经疾病杂志》 2012年第6期453-455,共3页 Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases
关键词 动脉炎 血管造影术 介入治疗 Carotid arteritis Angiography lnterventional therapy
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