目的 为了使病人的意见和建议更具针对性 ,促进医院进入良性循环轨道。方法 为了便于病人对住院、内外妇儿等急诊科室、医技科室、各类药房、挂号与收费处、后勤等处的不同需求反映其意见与建议设计的调查表进行不定期的调查。结果 行风建设与医疗等业务工作纳入了同布置、同检查、同评比的轨道 ,全程优质服务和创建文明行业活动不断深化等 ,病人得到了实惠 ,医院的竞争力增强。
Objective To render patients opinions and suggestions more relevant so as to spur the hospital to get onto the track of sound development. Methods Irregularly scheduled investigations were conducted by means of questionnaires specially designed to facilitate patients voice of opinions and suggestions based on their different requirements towards various sections. These sections included emergency departments of hospitalization, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, and pediatrics; medicotechnical departments; various kinds of dispensaries; the registration and charging section, and the section of rear service. Results The construction of medical ethics and professional work like medical treatment were put on the right course of simultaneous arrangement, examination and appraisal; delivery of wholecourse highquality service and establishment of a civilized profession kept deepening, with patients really benefiting from the practice and the hospitals competitiveness being enhanced. Conclusion The practice of conducting compartmental satisfaction ratio investigations has enhanced the hospitals comprehensive competitiveness and sped up the construction of both material civilization and spiritual civilization.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration