
基于CFA-GRA的竞争战略绩效综合指数构建及分析 被引量:3

The Competitive Strategy Performance Index Construction and Its Analysis based on the CFA-GRA Method
摘要 本文基于验证性因子分析和灰色关联度方法构建了战略绩效指数,并运用中国医药生物制品上市公司2003年1季度-2011年3季度的季度财务数据进行了实证研究。研究发现:实施竞争战略的企业绩效优于没有明确战略定位的企业;差异化战略优于低成本战略;竞争战略影响企业绩效表现出一定的"滞后效应";竞争战略具有持续的竞争优势,且差异化战略所建立起来的持续竞争优势强于低成本战略。 Based on the confirmative factor analysis and gray relational analysis, the strategy performance index is constructed in this paper, and an empirical study is conducted by using the seasonal financial data of biological and medical listed companies in Chinese stock market. The results showed that the enterprise adopted a certain competitive strategy gains higher performance than those without a clear strategy, and differention strategy is advantegeous to low cost strategy. Meanwhile, the lag-effect of strategy on enterprise performance exists, and competitive strategy has sustainable advanteges. Additonally, the sustainable advanteges of differention strategy is more obvious than that of low cost strategy.
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期29-36,共8页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71031004) 国家自然科学基金项目(71272208) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-11-0125) 湖南省社会科学重点项目(11ZDB054) 湖南省自然科学基金项目(12JJ6070)
关键词 差异化战略 低成本战略 战略绩效 战略绩效指数 Differention strategy Low cost strategy Strategy performance Strategy performance index
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