目的:总结深在性红斑狼疮(1upus erythematosus profundus,LEP)的临床及组织病理特点,加深对LEP的认识。方法:回顾性分析北京大学第一医院于2000-2011年间诊治的21例LEP患者的临床表现、实验室检查、组织病理特点和治疗反应。结果:21例患者中男5例,女16例,男女比例为1:3.2。平均发病年龄为34.33岁(7~77岁),平均病程1.4年(2个月~5年)。21例LEP患者共有皮损位点39处,其中26处位于头面部(66.67%),6处位于上肢(15.38%),4处位于躯干(10.26%),3处位于下肢(7.69%)。21例LEP中,独立存在的14例(66.67%),并发有盘状红斑狼疮(DLE)皮损的5例(23.81%),并发系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)2例(9.52%)。组织病理检查:21例LEP共同特点是皮下脂肪小叶有明显炎症累及,主要为淋巴细胞为主的浸润,其中4例(19.05%)伴有脂肪小叶透明变性坏死。21例LEP中15例(71.43%)组织病理同时有DLE的基本改变,还有3例(14.29%)伴有真皮浅层苔藓样淋巴细胞浸润,另有3例(14.29%)真皮血管壁及其周围呈纤维蛋白样变性。11例患者予羟氯喹联合泼尼松治疗皮损消退(2例复发),3例单独予羟氯喹治疗2例效果不佳,1例皮损消退。结论:LEP女性多发,皮损主要累及头面部及上肢,少数并发SLE。羟氯喹联合泼尼松对早期皮损治疗效果好。
Objective: To study the clinical and histopathological characteristics of lupus erythematosus profundus (LEP). Method: The clinical and histopathological data, laboratory findings and response to treatment of 21 cases of LEP diagnosed in our department from 2000 to 2011 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Among 21 patients, 5 were males, the other were females. The ratio of male to female was 1:3.2. The mean age at onset of the skin eruption was 34.33 year-old, and the average duration before presentation was 1.4 years. Among the 39 lesions of the 21 patients, 26 on the head and face (66.67%), 6 on the upper limbs (15.38%), 4 on the trunk (10.26%) and three on the lower limbs (7.69%). Among the 21 cases, 14 cases were pure LEP, 5 cases were LEP associated with DLE, and the other two were LEP with SLE. Histopathology in all cases showed inflammation of subcutaneous fat lobule, with predominant lymphocytic infiltration . Lobular hyaline degeneration was seen in 4 out of 21 cases (19.05%), accompanied DLE manifestations was seen in 15 cases (71.43%), lichenoid lymphocytic infiltration in the superficial dermis was seen in 3 cases, and fibrinoid degeneration involved in vessel walls and their surroundings was seen in other 3 cases. After combination therapy of oral hydroxychloroquine sulfate with prednisone, the skin lesions cleared in 11 cases (relapse occurred in 2 of them after stopping of treatment). Single medication of oral hydroxychloroquine sulfate was given to 3 cases, the skin lesion cleared in 2 of them but no response in the other. Conclusions: LEP mainly affects females, often involves the head, face and upper limbs of the patients, and associated with SLE in a few cases. Hydroxychloroquine sulfate combined with prednisone is highly effective in the early stage of the disease.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology
lupus erythematosus profundus
clinical and pathological analysis