目的 对白内障超声乳化摘出及人工晶状体植入术中后囊膜破裂后处理进行分析。方法 在 2 2 8例老年性白内障、并发性白内障、先天性白内障者施行不同切口的超声乳化吸除 ,通过 3.2 mm切口植入折叠式人工晶状体 ,通过 5 .5 mm切口植入 PMMA人工晶状体。在术中后囊膜破裂 16眼 (6 .5 8% ) ,并发玻璃体外溢 6只眼 (2 .6 3% )。结果 术中人工晶状体植入的情况 :人工晶状体两袢均植入在囊袋内者有 9眼 ,其中人工晶状体一袢在睫状沟内的而另一袢在囊袋内的有 3眼 ,人工晶状体的两袢均植入在睫状沟的有 4眼。在随访平均 12 m o时 ,裸眼视力≥ 0 .5者有 13眼 ,占 81.2 % .裸眼视力≥ 1.0者有 8眼 ,占 5 0 % .与正常组对照无显著差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。结论 在白内障超声乳化吸除术中发生后囊膜破裂时 ,只要早期发现、沉着稳妥处理也能按预期植入后房型人工晶状体 。
Objective To analyze the treatment of clear cornea phacoemulsification and intraocular lenses implantation (IOL) in posterior capsule rupture.Methods Phacoemulsification with AcrySof and PMMA posterior chamber (IOL) implantation were performed on 228 eyes of 228 patients. During operation posterior capsule rupture occurred on 16 eyes (6.5%)and vitreous loss occurred on 6 eyes (2.63%).Results The IOL implantation into intracapsular were 9 eyes and into supraciliary spaces were 7 eyes. The 16 eyes were followed up for 12 months on average. Final acuity of ≥0.5 was obtained in 13 eyes (81.5%) and ≥1.0 was obtained in 8 eyes (50%), with no significant difference( P >0 05).Conclusion Intraocular lens implantation can be performed successfully while posterior capsule ruptured in cornea phacoemulsification if it can be found earlier.
Recent Advances in Ophthalmology