
直觉模糊同步机与最小化 被引量:1

Intuitionistic fuzzy synchronous automatas and minimization
摘要 提出了具有输入和输出功能的直觉模糊同步机的概念,研究了直觉模糊同步机直觉容许关系、等价关系、同态的若干性质。在直觉模糊同步机同构的基础上,得到了极小化直觉模糊同步机。 The definitions of intuitionistic fuzzy synchronous automatas with inputs and outputs are introduced, and the intu- itionistic admissible relation, the equivalence relation and some properties of the homomorphism of this automatas are investigated. On the basis of isomorphism of intuitionistic fuzzy synchronous automatas, minimal of intuitionistic fuzzy synchronous automatas are obtained.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2013年第1期50-52,85,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 安徽省优秀青年人才基金项目(No.2011SQRL097 No.2009SQRZ121)
关键词 直觉模糊集 等价 同余 intuitionistic fuzzy sets equivalent homomorphism
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