
单侧极重度感音神经性听力损失患者试戴BAHA结果分析 被引量:6

The result of BAHA fitting in single sided deafness
摘要 目的:了解单侧极重度感音神经性听力损失患者佩戴骨导助听器BAHA的获益情况。方法:对16例单侧极重度感音神经性听力损失患者进行BAHA的纯音助听听力测试,双耳在裸耳状态下声场安静环境中的言语识别阈测试和MHINT测试,比较未助听与助听后的结果。结果:BAHA对患耳侧来的声源有较好的阈值补偿作用,但对于在安静和噪声中的言语识别阈无明显提升作用。结论:根据该研究和患者的感受,反馈BAHA对于单侧极重度听力损失的获益不大。患者选配前需要进行相关测试了解获益情况,再决定是否植入或佩戴BAHA。尚需要进一步了解单侧极重度感音神经性听力损失患者长期佩戴BAHA后的获益情况。 Objective:To learn the benefit of the unilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss patients wear bone conduction hearing aid BAHA. Method: Sixteen' unilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss patients done BAHA aided pure tone test and speech recognition threshold test in the quiet environment and MHINT test re- spectively. We can learn the effect of wearing BAHA by doing the unaided and aided speech recognition threshold test in different environment. Result: BAHA had good compensation of aided threshold but have no obvious im- prove of speech recognition threshold both in quiet and noise environment. Conclusion: According to the research and feedback of patients, BAHA have no obvious benefit to unilateral profound hearing loss. The related benefit test should be done first before deciding whether or not to implant BAHA. The long-term BAHA wearing benefit still need to further understand with unilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss patients.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第1期37-38,共2页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
关键词 BAHA 骨导助听器 听力损失 感音神经性 BAHA bone conduction hearing aid hearing loss, sensorineural
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