
多氯联苯生物降解技术研究进展 被引量:6

Research Progress of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Biodegradation Technology
摘要 多氯联苯(PCBs)是对一类人工合成的有机化合物的统称,中国于1965年开始生产多氯联苯,1974年已经禁止生产此类产品。由于多氯联苯具有稳定的化学性质,其曾经被广泛应用于多种工业产品之中。多氯联苯现在已被证实对环境和人体健康有极大不良影响。大量的多氯联苯处理方法已被广泛的研究。文章对多氯联苯的生物降解研究的发展进行了综述,总结了PCBs微生物降解厌氧脱氯和有氧开环氧化的机制和影响因素,指出了进一步研究的方向。 Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) belong to a broad family of man- made organic chemicals known as chlorinated hydrocarbons. PCBs were domestically manufactured from 1965 until their manufacture was banned in 1974. Due to their stable chemical nature, PCBs were used in hundreds of industrial and commercial applications. PCBs have been demonstrated to destruct the environment, cause a variety of adverse health effects. Lots of PCBs disposal methods have been widely researched. This pa- per reviewed the developments of PCBs biodegradation research, summarized the effect of aerobic oxidation and anaerobic dechlo- rination and pointed out the directions of further studies.
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2012年第12期72-75,共4页 Environmental Science and Management
关键词 多氯联苯 生物降解 生物降解途径 polychlorinated biphenyls biodegradation biodegradation pathway
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