大型几何雕塑“框架”已于2012年9月1日-11月5日期间在Artoisplein环形公路上展出。通过此次设计,Gijs Van Vaerenbergh再一次用建筑领域特有的表达方式和设计手段向世人呈现了一件与众不同的公共空间艺术品。
The geometric sculpture Framework has been on display from 1 September to 5 November, 2012 above the ring road on the Artois- plein. With this sculpture, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh has once more pro- duced a work in the public space that is based on the language and expertise of architecture to create an autonomous art object. The sculpture was created as a result of the Sol LeWitt exhibition, Colors in M-Museum Leuven, but LeWitt's conceptual work only acts as the starting point for the duo's free interpretation in their own work. Their actual inspiration is LeWitt's incomplete open cube 6/24 sculpture or "structure", which is part of a series of works inspired by a cube. This minimal and abstract form, which LeWitt consciously designed on a human scale, has been blown up into a monumen- tal sculpture that clearly interacts with the public space.
Landscape Design