Engineering management consists of engineering change and cost management. The change of engineering directly results in the reassessmem of the engineering cost. Because of the complication of the engineering instrument and the influence of the interior and exterior factors, engineering changing is inevitable. Engineering change largelyrefers to the change of materials, constructing techniques, technical criteria, as well as the timelimit of the construction, which wereregulated in the contract signed beforehand. A sensible and scientific engineering changing is the one which, gearing to the practical situation of construction without changing the function of the project and lowering the safety index, appropriately reduce the cost, shorten the construction duration and promoting the outer appearance. The field of engineeringcost is currently chaotic due to the incautiousness in enginee- ring change, which is also the major reason why engineering cost exceeds the budget moreoften than not. In this sense, setting criteria for engineering change and standardizing its requirement can not only control the engineering cost in real time, but will also exert great significance which can never be neglected, on the project itself as well as the investors.
Urbanism and Architecture
analysis, engineering change, cost management