
斜拉桥与引桥地震碰撞影响因素研究 被引量:10

Earthquake impact influence factors for a cable-stayed bridge and its approach bridge
摘要 针对目前对大跨度斜拉桥抗震性能的研究多只以主桥为分析对象,而对斜拉桥与引桥之间碰撞问题的研究相对较少这一现象,以某九江大桥为例建立了斜拉桥与引桥之间的碰撞分析模型,分别对场地类型、斜拉桥重心高度和引桥结构形式等影响斜拉桥主桥与引桥之间碰撞效应的主要因素进行的系统分析,得到了一些有意义的结论,可为类似工程的抗震设计提供参考。 At present, long span cable-stayed bridge seismic performance study only takes its main bridge as an analysis object. There are few reports about earthquake impact between a cable-stayed bridge and its approach-bridge. Taking a Jiu-Jiang big bridge as an example, the impact analysis model between a cable-bridge and its approach-bridge was built. The impact influence factors between them were systematically studied. The influence factors included sitetype, height of gravity center, approach-bridge structure form. Some significant conclusions were obtained. They provided a reference for similar project a seismic designing.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第23期115-117,127,共4页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50978009/E080801) 江西省交通厅重点科技项目(200808)
关键词 斜拉桥 引桥 重心高度 场地类型 碰撞 cable-stayed bridge approach-bridge height of gravity center site-type impact
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