

Initial Study on Indicators for Safety Assessment of Geological Disposal of Highly Radioactive Wastes
摘要 适宜的评价指标是开展高放废物地质处置安全评价的基础,也有助于提高评价结果的可信水平。该文介绍了高放废物地质处置安全评价指标的国内外研发状况,重点探讨了评价指标的选取方法及其与处置安全水平之间的关系,并提出选取浓度、通量和特征时间等物理量作为高放废物地质处置安全评价指标的建议。 Proper assessment indicators are the foundation of safety assessment for geological disposal of highly radioactive wastes and contribute to enhance the credibility of assessment results.This paper introduces the status of domestic and overseas researches on indicators for safety assessment of geological disposal of highly radioactive wastes,with emphasis on discussing the selection of assessment indicators and its relation to the safety of geological disposal.Indicators such as concentration,flux and characteristic time are proposed to be used in safety assessment of geological disposal.
作者 魏方欣
出处 《三峡环境与生态》 2012年第6期29-32,共4页 Environment and Ecology in the Three Gorges
关键词 高放废物 安全评价 评价指标 highly radioactive wastes safety assessment assessment indicator
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