简要介绍了LRS-25硫转移剂作用机理;重点考察了LRS-25硫转移剂在3.5Mt/a重油催化裂化装置的应用情况。结果表明,使用LRS-25硫转移剂后,对系统催化剂活性有所影响,原料转化率降低3.05%,油浆收率增加2.68%,总液收下降2.75%,汽油烯烃增加;对油浆、轻柴油及汽油产品中的总硫含量及产品质量影响均不大,液态烃和干气中硫化氢浓度明显升高,产品质量变化不大;当LRS-25硫转移剂用量占总藏量5.0%左右,并每天再加入1.0 t LRS-25硫转移剂时,能满足环保对烟气中二氧化硫浓度排放要求。
The reaction mechanism of LRS 25 sulphur transferring agent was briefly introduced. The ap plication of LRS 25 sulphur transferring agent in CCU for heavy oil was examined with emphasis. The result showed that after using LRS 25 sulphur transferring agent , the catalyst activity in the system was somewhat influenced with conversion of feedstock decreased by 3.05%, the yield of slurry oil increased by 2.68%, the total liquid yield decreased by 2.75 %, the content of olefin in gasoline increased;the total content of sulphur in light diesel fuel and gasoline and product quality was slightly influenced, the content of hydrogen sulfide and liquid hydrocarbon in dry gas increased obviously, but product quality did not change obviously. The environ mental protection requirement for discharging sulfur dioxide in smoke gas was met when the dosage of LRS 25 transferring agent sulphur was 5.0% ( based on the total mass) and 1.0 ton of LRS 25 sulphur transferring a gent was added.
Advances in Fine Petrochemicals
catalytic cracking
smoke gas
sulfur dioxide
sulphur transferring agent