

The Two Monuments in Memory of the Patriotic War of 1812——The Relationship between War and Peace and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow
摘要 列夫·托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》是描绘1812年卫国战争的伟大丰碑,矗立在莫斯科心脏地带,命运诡异的基督救主大教堂也是专门为了纪念1812年卫国战争胜利而建的丰碑。两座丰碑之间是否有关联,这一问题几乎无人讨论。大概由于托尔斯泰的自我表述、托尔斯泰的生平特性、托尔斯泰与俄罗斯东正教教会的敌对关系、1920年以后苏联意识形态之下对托尔斯泰与教会关系的评价倾向以及苏联时期对《战争与和平》的主题研究倾向等等因素有关。然而事实上,这两大丰碑,至少在以下四个方面发生着关联:1.两大丰碑是一对平行线。2.两大丰碑是两条相交线。3.大教堂的内壁文字墙板极有可能受到《战争与和平》文学上巨大成功的影响。4.《战争与和平》的创作动机,极有可能也受到大教堂主体建筑竣工的刺激。 War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy is a monumental work depicting the Patriotic War of 1812; and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which stood in the heartland of Moscow and had a strange fate, is another monument specifically built in memory of the victory of the Patriotic War of 1812. Whether there is any relationship between the two monuments has hardly been discussed owing to various factors such as Tolstoy' s self- introduction, the characteristics of Tolstoy' s life, the hostility between Tolstoy and the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Soviet ideology-oriented evaluations of the relationship between Tolstoy and the Eastern Orthodox Church after 1920, and the thematic research orientations of War and Peace during the Soviet period and so on. However, the two monuments are related to each other in at least four aspects: 1 ) the two monuments are parallel lines; 2) the two monuments are two intersecting lines; 3) the words on the Cathedral' s inner walls were most likely to have been influenced by War and Peace ; 4) the motive of the creation 'of War and Peace, in turn, was most likely to have been stimulated by the completion of the main building of the Cathedral.
作者 李正荣
机构地区 北京师范大学
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期29-35,共7页 Russian Literature & Arts
关键词 1812年 《战争与和平》 基督救主大教堂 1812 War and Peace the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
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