

Russian Popular Literature: Historical Destiny and Cause of Flourish
摘要 俄罗斯通俗文学有过坎坷的历史命运。在"黄金世纪"我们难觅通俗小说的踪影,在20世纪的俄罗斯文学史中只是在"白银世纪"和20年代才有过两次通俗文学的勃兴和批评界对这一文学样式的正视,但此后它未能得到正常的孕育和发展。这一文学创作与批评生态在20世纪80年代后期才有了根本性的改变。苏联解体后通俗文学的复苏、勃兴原因有四:读者对意识形态引领的严肃文学和后现代主义文学的审美反感;通俗文学成为大众文化消费的重要构成;人数众多的通俗文学作家群的出现;通俗文学读者队伍的形成。传统性与现代性的结合成为新时期通俗小说的一个鲜明的文化特征,正是它促成了这一文学样式在世纪之交的巨大成功。 Russian popular literature had a rough historical destiny. We find it hard to trace back popular novels in the " Golden Century". In the 20th-century Russian literary history, popular literature experienced its flourishes twice and attracted attention from critics only in the "Silver Century" and the 1920s. However, since then it has not been normally bred and developed. The creation and critical ecology of popular literature didn't obtain fundamental change until the end of the 1980s. There are four reasons for the flourish of the popular literature after the disintegration of the Soviet Union: 1 ) readers had an antagonistic aesthetic feeling about serious literature and postmodern literature led by the ideology; 2 ) popular literature became a main part of the popular cultural consumption; 3) huge numbers of writers of popular literature emerged; 4) readers of popular literature appeared. The combination of tradition and modernity has become a distinct cultural character of the popular novel in the new era, and it was this character that contributed to the huge success of this literary style at the turn of the century.
作者 张建华
机构地区 北京外国语大学
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期51-58,共8页 Russian Literature & Arts
关键词 俄罗斯 通俗文学 历史命运 勃兴 Russia popular literature historical destiny flourish
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