GB/T 13299-1991《钢的显微组织评定方法》规定了低碳、中碳钢的钢板、钢带和型材的游离渗碳体、低碳变形钢的珠光体、带状组织和魏氏体组织的级别评定方法。在过去20多年的实际应用过程中,该标准在使用范围、取样和检验面、碳含量界限、低碳变形钢的珠光体和带状组织评级等方面都暴露出了不少问题。通过对这些问题进行分析讨论,对该标准的修订完善提出了一些建议。
Methods to structure and Widmanstatten prescribed in GB/T 13299 evaluate the level of frec-cementite, pearlite in low carbon deformation steel, banded structure in low carbon or medium carbon steel plate, strip and section bar, were 1991 “Steel--Determination of Mierostructure”. In the past 20 years of practical application, the standard exposed a lot of problems in aspects of application scope, sampling and test surface, carbon content boundaries and evaluation of the level of pearlite and banded structure in low carbon deformation steel. These problems were analyzed and discussed, and some suggestion was proposed to perfect the standard.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)