
间歇性完全性左束支阻滞13例分析 被引量:5

Clinical characteristics in patients with intermittent complete left bundle branch block
摘要 目的分析间歇性完全左束支阻滞(CLBBB)病例的临床特点。方法回顾分析13例12导联动态心电图检出间歇性完全左束支阻滞患者的病因、动态心电图、超声心动图、冠状动脉造影结果。结果 60岁以上患者12例,占92%。病因以冠心病、高血压、扩张型心肌病多见。本组冠脉造影及冠状动脉螺旋CT血管成像的7例间歇性完全性左束支阻滞患者中确诊为冠心病者3例。超声心动图结果:53.8%患者心房增大或心房心室同时增大。动态心电图检查可见间歇完全左束支阻滞常合并各种类型心律失常。结论间歇完全性左束支阻滞常发生在老年患者,常见于器质性心脏病,尤其是冠心病、高血压、扩张型心肌病。 Objective To analyze the characteristics in patients with intermittent complete left bundle branch block(CLBBB). Methods The data of etiology, Holter, Ultracardiogram and coronary angiography of 13 patients with intermittent CLBBB were retrospectively analyzed. Results There were 12(92%) patients who were more than 60 years old, 3/7 patients(43%) who had underwent coronary angiography or 64-slice CT coronary angiography were found to have coronary artery disease. In patients who had UCG, 7 patients had left atrial enlargement, 2 patients had left atrial and ventricular enlargement, 1 patients had left ventricular hypertrophy, 4 patients whose left ventricular ejection were less than 50%. Intermittent CLBBB is often associated with various types of arrhythmia. Conclusion Most patients with intermittent CLBBB were older and had coronary artery disease and hypertension.
出处 《临床心电学杂志》 2012年第5期353-354,共2页 Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology
关键词 间歇性 完全左束支阻滞 器质性心脏病 动态心电图 intermittent complete left bundle branch block structural heart disease Holter
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