
顾客感知服务质量评价方法的实证比较——对SERVPERF和SERVQUAL的再探讨 被引量:13

SERVPERF or SERVQUAL:A Reinvestigation into Evaluation Method of Customer Perceptions on Service Quality
摘要 国内外众多学者对服务质量评价方法进行了深入的研究,产生了较多的评价方法,尤以SERVQUAL和SERVPERF应用最为广泛。但是关于两种方法的比较,学术界有不同的观点,实证研究认为:两种顾客感知服务质量评价方法的评价结果一致,且均具有准确的维度划分、较高的信度和效度以及变异解释能力,但是SERVPERF较SERVQUAL方法更易于回答且具有更高的信度、效度和变异解释能力。 Scholars,at home and abroad,have conducted in-depth study on service quality evaluation method,and developed many methods,of which,SERVQUAL and SERVPERF are most extensive.However,scholars seem divided in views as regards the comparison of these two methods.The empirical study indicates that the two methods have the same evaluation results and both enjoy correct dimension classification,high reliability,validity and explanatory power of variations,yet SERVPERF is easier to answer and its reliability,validity and explanatory power of variations are higher than SERVQUAL.
作者 方宇通
出处 《宁波工程学院学报》 2012年第4期53-57,共5页 Journal of Ningbo University of Technology
基金 2012~2013宁波广播电视大学立项课题(立项号:NBTVU12-Y11)阶段性研究成果
关键词 SERVPERF SERVQUAL 变异解释能力 组合信度 效度 SERVPERF SERVQUAL explanatory power of variation composite reliability validity
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