4Minutes of Meeting, 7 November 2003, WT/DSB/M/157.
5Minutes of Meeting, 1 December 2003, WT/DSB/M/159.
6Request for Consultations by the European Communities, United States-Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC-Hormones Dispute, WT/DS320/1, 10 November 2004.
7US/Canada - Continued Suspension, WT/DS320/AB/R,WT/DS321/AB/R, para.737.
8Report for Consultation, Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Commum2ies, WT/DS26123, 8.
9January 2009. Suzanne Bermann, "EC - Hormones and the Case for an Express Postretaliation Procedure" , Columbia Law Review, 2007, 107:154.
10US/Canada - Continued Suspension, WT/DS320, 321/AB/R, paras.305-306.
3Dispute Settlement Body Ammal Report (2011). Overview of Tile State of Playof WTODisputes, WT/DSB/54/Add. I, 17November2011.
4Special Session of The Dispute Settlement Body, Report By The Chairman, Ambassador Ronald Saboro Soto, To Tile Trade Negotiations Commit-tee,TN/DS/25, April 21.