
头部形状对超声速飞行器力学性能影响分析 被引量:4

Affect of head shape on flight dynamics of supersonic vehicles
摘要 飞行器超声速飞行时,头部会产生强烈激波及激波阻力,对飞行器力学性能产生较大影响,阻碍飞行器提高飞行速度和增大飞行距离,产生额外能源消耗。系统研究头部形状对超声速飞行器力学性能的影响,采用5种不同的头部形状研究了超声速飞行器在Ma=2.0和Ma=4.0飞行时的力学性能,以及激波阻力和特性。试验结果表明:通过头部形状优化设计,可显著降低激波阻力;弹头长宽比是影响飞行器力学性能最显著的因素,母线形状次之。通过风洞纹影系统分析了头部形状对激波角及激波阻力的影响,结果表明,激波角越小,激波阻力越小。 For supersonic vehicles,strong shock wave and shock drag would be induced in the head of vehicles which worked on the flight dynamics and hindered maximum voyage and cruising speed.To improve the mechanical properties of supersonic vehicles,we analyzed the influence of five different heads on characteristics of shock wave at Ma=2.0 and Ma=4.0 through FD06 wind tunnel.Result shows that: maximum drag reduction is achieved through optimization of heads.Length to width ratio of vehicle head is the most important factor on shock wave drag;secondly,shape of generatrix will also affect wave drag.Shock wave angles of five different heads were tested through wind tunnel schlieren system and result indicates that: wave drag reduction will decrease along with reduction of shock wave angle.
出处 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期537-540,共4页 Flight Dynamics
基金 国家自然科学基金创新群体基金资助(51021064) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金资助(51105223)
关键词 飞行力学 形状优化 减阻 超声速飞行器 风洞试验 flight dynamics shape optimization drag reduction supersonic vehicle wind experiment
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