目的探讨多发性硬化症(MS)临床表现与MRI特征。方法回顾性分析临床及MRI随访证实的12例MS患者的资料。结果 12例青年MS患者,年龄18~35岁,平均26.3岁,男∶女为1∶3,9例(67%)病前有诱因史,以急性或亚急性起病8例(75%)。临床随访表现为复发-缓解型占10例(83%),继发进展型2例(17%)。临床以头晕、记忆力下降、肢体无力、感觉障碍、视力受损等为主要就医原因。MR主要位于白质区,主要累及部位:9例位于侧脑室周围,2例位于颈髓,1例位于视神经,表现为长T1WI长T2WI信号,部分伴病变区域形态异常,MR随访病变数量、形态信号与临床症状多呈正相关。结论 MS具有一定的临床及MRI特征,MRI随访有重要价值。
Objective To explore the clinical and MRI features of youth multiple sclerosis(MS). Methods A retrospective analysis of 12 cases data of MS confirmed by MRI and clinical follow-up. Results 12 cases of youth MS patients,ages form 18 to 35 years old,an average of 26.3 years old,male: female was 1:3.Nine cases(67%) had incentive history,8 cases(75%)with acute or subacute onset.In the clinical follow-up,10 cases(83%) performed for recurrence-ease type,2 cases(17%) secondary progress type.Dizziness,memory decline,body weakness,sensory dysfunction,impaired vision,etc were the main reasons for a doctor.The lesions located mainly in the white matter area on MRI imaging,9 cases in the periventricular,2 cases in the cervical spinal cord,1 case in the optic nerve.The lesions performed the long T1WI long T2WI signal,some with form abnormal in lesion area.The numbers of lesions,morphological signal on MRI and clinical symptoms were positively correlated. Conclusions MS has certain clinical and MRI features,follow-up MRI is of great value.
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
Multiple sclerosis MRI Diagnosis Follow-up