

Application of improved PID fuzzy control in new heating system
摘要 在供暖分户计量后,新型供暖系统根据电磁阀的启、闭频率实现用户室内温度的调节,因而供暖系统流量阶跃式变化日趋明显。针对阶跃式变化,首先在用户的热力入口处安装自力式压差控制阀,此时水泵的扬程和立管的压降加大,需要采用一种可靠的控制方法,通过调节系统的循环水流量实现供暖系统的稳定运行。由于模糊控制对非线性或不确定性对象具有良好的控制效果,该文采用了改进PID模糊控制实现系统的稳定控制。经过仿真验证,该方法提高了新型供暖系统的鲁棒性。 In household heat metering, new heating system according to the electromagnetic valve o- pening and closing frequency, users achieve the regulation of indoor temperature, and heating system flow step is apparent with each passing day. According to the step, first in the user's thermal entrance fix self -operated differential pressure control valve, then the pump head and the vertical pipe pressure drop increase, the need for a reliable control method, by adjusting the system of circulating water flow to achieve the stable operation of heating system. The fuzzy control of nonlinear and uncertain objects has a good control effect, this paper adopts the improved PID fuzzy control system stability control. Through simulation, this method improves the robustness of the new heating system.
出处 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 2012年第6期40-42,45,共4页 Industrial Instrumentation & Automation
关键词 模糊控制 供暖分户计量 阶跃变化 fuzzy control heating household metering step change
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