目的分析济宁市手足口病(hand foot and mouth disease,HFMD)患者肠道病毒71型(enterovirus71,EV71)病毒感染状况及患者流行病学特征。方法采集2010年3月~2011年8月济宁市传染病医院收治的4428例手足口病患者便标本,并收集患者诊疗信息。采用Real—timeRT-PCR法检测便标本。结果4428例患者男女性别比1.9:1,年龄主要集中在6个月~5岁(93.54%,4142/4428)。EV71总阳性率63.84%(2827/4428),其中重型EV71阳性率为83.81%(761/908)。结论济宁市手足口病发病高峰在检测期间内为4~8月,致病病原体以EV71为主,2011年EV71阳性构成比高于2010年。
Objective To understand the epidemiologic feature of hand food and mouth disease (HFMD) EV71 cases in Jining city. Methods 4428 cases were selected from Infectious Diseases Hospital of Jining city from March 2010 to August 2011. Real-time RT-PCR was used to detect the clinical specimens. Results 4428 cases of hospitalized patients were enrolled ( sex ratio 1.9 : 1 ). Most of the subjects were between 6 months and 5 years old (93.54% ,4142/4428). The total positive rate of HFMD cases was 93.54% (4142/4428). The positive rate of severe cases was 63.84% (2827/4428), separately. Conclu- sions The positive rate of HFMD was higher from April to August. EV71 was the main pathogen of HFMD in Jining. The constituent ratio of 2011was higher than 2010.
International Journal of Virology