用VisualC++语言开发了一个Windows 9x环境下的平面杆系结构有限元分析CAI系统 .屏幕上可同时显示结构的原始状态、受载后位移状态、各种内力图、影响线及结构主振型 ,采用形象直观的图形界面来提高学生学习有限元知识和C++语言的兴趣 ,其方便的数据输入方式可降低学习有限元知识的难度 .
In this paper,a CAI system to static and dynamic analyzing bridge structures is developed in Visual C ++ under the Windows9x operation system.The structure figure,displacement state under loading,internal force figure,influence lines and dominant modes can be displayed in computer screen at one time.The visual and intuitional graphical interfaces can inspire the students interests to study finite element method and Visual C ++ ,and improve study effects.The system can be used as a means of teaching finite element method in beam structure mechanics and computer methods in bridge engineering.
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University