
石油烃降解酶及其基因的结构、功能和表达调控 被引量:9

Structure, Function and Expression Regulation of Hydrocarbon-degrading Enzymes and Their Encoding Genes
摘要 研究烃降解酶及其基因是进行石油微生物分子检测和工程菌构建的重要基础.本文对目前烃降解酶及其基因的结构、功能和调控机制的最新研究进展进行了总结.催化烷烃好氧降解的起始酶有几类加氧酶,膜整合甲烷单加氧酶、萘-1,2-双加氧酶和异丙苯双加氧酶的晶体结构已经被解析.烷基或芳基琥珀酸合酶催化烃厌氧代谢的主要起始反应,而Azoarcus sp.乙苯厌氧代谢起始反应由乙苯脱氢酶催化.在细菌中,烃代谢相关基因主要通过形成操纵子进行表达调控,基因转录受烃或类似物诱导,并受细胞全局调控.一些微生物由于存在多种烃代谢途径而可能具有复杂的基因调控机制.此外,生态学研究表明,环境中烃降解基因的诱导动态与实验室内纯培养分析不同.在分析石油降解工程菌构建有待解决问题的基础上,提出了烃代谢综合调控和环境中相关酶及基因诱导研究的重要性,并对未来烃降解酶及其基因在有毒物降解理论研究和生物修复上的应用进行了展望. The research on the enzymes and genes involving in hydrocarbon biodegradation is the important basis of molecular assay of petroleum microbes and construction of the engineering strains. In this review, the recent advances of structures, functions and regulations of hydrocarbon-degrading enzymes and the corresponding genes were summarized. The first enzymes in the aerobic metabolism pathways of hydrocarbon included several types of oxydases. Among them, the crystal structures of particulate methane monooxygenase protomer, the terminal oxygenase component of cumene dioxygenase and naphthalene dioxygenase were reported. The aryl-succinate or alkyl-succinate synthase were the first basic enzymes in the anaerobic transformation of hydrocarbon while ethylbenzene dehydrogenase catalyzed the initial reaction of anaerobic degradation of ethylbenzene in Azoarcus sp. For bacteria, the hydrocarbon-degrading genes consisting of operons and their transcriptions were induced by hydrocarbon or analogues and limited by global cell control. Some microorganisms possessed the complicated hydrocarbon-degrading regulations which were consistent with their various hydrocarbon metabolism pathways. In addition, the related study on ecology indicated that the induction process of genes involving in the hydrocarbon degradation in the environment were different from that of the culture in the laboratory. Based on the analysis of the unsolved questions of construction the hydrocarbon-degrading engineering bacteria, the significance of research on the comprehensive regulation of hydrocarbon metabolism in the cells and the induction of the related enzymes and genes in the environment was proposed. The application of the enzymes and genes, involving in hydrocarbon biodegradation, for the theoretic research on toxicant degradation and bioremediation in the future was prospected. Fig 3, Ref 50
作者 于寒颖 杨慧
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1066-1074,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.51104031)资助~~
关键词 石油微生物 加氧酶 苯酰琥珀酸合酶 乙苯脱氢酶 基因表达调控 petroleum microorganism hydrocarbon oxydase benzoylsuccinate sythase ethylbenzene dehydrogenase gene regulation
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